It time to speak up and we don't have much time, so act fast to make sure your voice is heard!
The Child Nutrition Act (read about it here) – a major piece of federal legislation that helps determine school food policy and resources – will begin reauthorization in 2009. The federal government and the USDA wants your opinion and is accepting public comments on the reauthorization of this act, but you have to comment by October 15, 2008.
So, what do we want? We request the USDA to start to make changes by doing the following:
Increase funding for school meals and provide incentives for schools to offer healthier foods.
Increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables.
Improve nutrition standards for school meals so they align with the most recent dietary guidelines.
Establish standards for food sold in schools outside of the school meals programs such as that sold at snack bars and cafeteria a la carte lines.
Personally, in addition, I want my boys to be able to choose from fresh in-season produce, hormone-free meats and dairy, whole grains and balanced menus. I also want the "fast foods" to disappear from the menu. My middle school aged boys can actually purchase whole pizzas brought in from an outside chain, Bosco brand cheese breadsticks (for a meal?!?!), nachos with fake "oil" cheese, canned fruits in HFCS, lemonade that contains 0% fruit juice, chicken nuggets using processed meats, salad dressings that have a higher fat content than a Big Mac, gatorade and donuts. Sound appetizing? To a 13 year old boy with $5 in his pocket, it's pretty hard to resist.
What can you do??
Well, it's very simple. Simply log on to this site and enter your comments which will be reviewed by the USDA. Has speaking up ever been so simple?? I think not! And, if you're really pressed for time, simply highlight, copy and paste the bolded text above and place it into the comments section.
Please don't delay, you only have until October 15th, 2008. Pass this along, tell your friends, post it at your school, spread the word through your PTA or neighborhood. Your children will thank you!
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