Here's an article about what may happen to the 2 million farms in Poland under the EU's CAP, Common Agricultural Policy. Also discusses Poland's fight against GMOs. Long, and takes a while to get going, but worth the time. I haven't heard a lot about agricultural changes in Poland, so this is opening my eyes to that issue a bit...
Here's an excerpt:
How ironic it is that the hell bent US development of biofuels has played into the hands of the proponents of cheap GMO feed for meat production by forcing up the price of conventional feeds, such as barley based products, through displacing cereals from millions of acres planted with GM maize to produce fuel for motor-cars and trucks. Now GM soya and maize, previously avoided by most European animal feed importers, suddenly look like the only cheap option available. We have consistently lobbied for government to encourage farmers to grow their own traditional feed products, but in a world hooked on the global trade of cheap proteins, such advice has fallen on deaf ears.
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