Monday, June 9, 2008

Where it comes from, where it goes, and what you can do about it...

In case you haven't seen these yet, they are entertaining and informative videos about what's wrong with the way things work in this country (and globally).

The Story of Stuff is about, well, our stuff, and why we should try to use less of it, and how.

The Meatrix is a brilliant parody of The Matrix (duh). It explains how factory farms work, and why they're allowed to keep working. (Hint: "Why oh why didn't I swallow the blue pill?")

And my favorite: Store Wars (the link will redirect you to youtube). Learn the ways of the Farm, and resist the evil Darth Tater!

It can be hard to preach the gospel of local eating without coming across as, well, preachy. These films are funny as well as informative, and get the message across in a non-holier-than-thou way (though as a member of the choir, I may be a bit biased on that score). All the films linked above (well, not The Matrix) are made by Free Range Studios, who take on other issues, like biodiversity, fair wages, and endangered species. If you haven't seen them, give them a click. Share the links with your friends. The more people know, the harder it will be for agri-business to keep poisoning our people, and the easier it will be for local farmers to sell you the good stuff.


Jules and Kids said...

Hi, just watched the Meatrix again, for old-times sake, and it still cracks me up!

Another member turned me on to this short

Short, and not very informative, but entertaining.

Glad we can laugh about this stuff sometimes, lest we cry...

Jules and Kids said...

Also, this video from the Sierra Club about the true cost of food: